Thursday, March 7, 2013

Beta #2 is in!! All I can say is "WHOA BABY!!"

I tell ya, I'm pretty over being nervous about this baby sticking anymore.

Beta #2 was taken this morning and wow what a jump in just 72 hours!!!!
This little embryo is BUSY making its placenta!

Are you ready for this????

Are ya sure??

Beta #2 is...................................


That's a doubled double level!!!

They want the levels to at least double every 48-72 hours....I think they got it!!!

Good job baby!! Just be careful...please don't split. ;) Love, you forever loving Surromama

Next and last beta is Monday, March 11! The ultrasound will be the week after that!

See you soon!


  1. I am sooooo super duper excited for you! You know I have always loved you and thought you were an amazing person, but what you are doing for this coupled to help them in their journey to becomes a family is beyond words. You are so brave and wonderful and giving that words will never express how truly awesome you are!

    1. AWE!!!!! Thank you Tonia!! Love ya!
